Tuesday – 15 October 2024, 5.30 – 7.30pm
John Auchterlonie Creelman: a ship’s surgeon and colonial doctor, 1848 to 1889, by Lorraine Finlay. An Edinburgh University graduate who arrived in Melbourne in January 1848, Creelman led an eventful career in regional towns as a doctor, a coroner and public vaccinator and was a medical witness in a notorious criminal case. Despite his government appointments and the income from his private practices life was a constant financial struggle during the pre and post gold rush era. Venue: Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Cnr William and A’Beckett Streets, Melbourne Refreshments. Admission: $25 per person. Enquiries to secretary@latrobesociety.org.au, Ph: 0412 517 061.
(La Trobe Society event – guests are welcome)